Shamballa bracelet diy

Shamballa bracelet diy. Valeriy Vorobev.

Shamballa bracelet diy. How to make a shamballa bracelet. How to make a shamballa bracelet step by step.

How to make a shamballa bracelet with your own hands?

There are a number of jewelry, namely bracelets that can be worn by both men and women. But why buying it if we can make it ourselves? My shamballa bracelet diy tutorial will help you. The scheme of weaving shamballa bracelet is simple, it can be mastered even by a beginner. As a result, you will get a stylish piece of jewelry. Women can wear it just as men do, but for this, we should pick the appropriate materials. This product consists of weave of special square knots and large beads.

Shamballa bracelet diy

History of Shamballa Bracelet

Before we learn how to weave a bracelet out of beads and string in our shamballa bracelet diy tutorial, let’s get acquainted with the history of this jewelry.

Shamballa is, at this time, a nonexistent country in the mountains of Tibet, which is described in many legends and tales not only by the peoples of Asia but also by the natives of Altai.

It is believed that the first bracelets were worn by Tibetan monks, they wove beads, gems, semi-precious stones into the laces. Such an amulet reliably protected its owner from evil, poison, bad thoughts and enemies.

From the Old Russian chronicles of that time, it is reliably known that bracelets of such weaving were worn by inhabitants of the Altai Territory and nearby settlements.

This bracelet was introduced into the modern fashion industry by two brothers: Mads and Mikkel Kornerup. Since 1994, such jewelry made of precious metals and stones began to be produced under their trademark. In their collections, the brothers combined folk art of Scandinavians, Asians, yoga practices and Native American symbolism.

But such a beaded bracelet can be woven with your own hands. Let’s find out how to do it quickly and easily, and the shamballa bracelet diy master class will help us!

shamballa bracelet

Materials and tools for weaving shamballa bracelet.

To weave a pretty shamballa bracelet with your own hands, you need to know the algorithm of actions and have the necessary materials for work.

First, we need to choose the stones for work: gemstones, natural or artificial gems, glass beads. If you decided to start such weaving for the first time in your life, then take budget beads.

To make a shamballa bracelet, we will need the following materials:

Shamballa bracelet diy

Waxed rope. Instead of it, you can take a strong braid, micro-cord, synthetic or leather cord.
Colorful beads or stones.
String for stringing beads (you’ll need it if you used a large braid).

The tools you will need:

duct tape;

Shamballa bracelet implies a special weaving scheme. If you have ever woven bracelets or belts out of paracord, it will not be difficult for you, because the techniques are very similar. But if you haven’t – don’t worry and just read my shamballa bracelet diy tutorial.

Before you start making your masterpiece, you should decide on its appearance. You can have a look at the options of color schemes on the Internet. Decide on what kind of clothes you are going to wear the bracelet with. If you want to make a fancy and pretty product, which will be your amulet, be responsible for the choice of precious stones and gems.

Shamballa bracelet diy.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

Take 3 laces (cords) about 50 cm long each. They do not have to be monochromatic, you can use several different colors.
Put the cords together and tie them in a loose knot (we will untie it later) at a distance of 5 cm from the end.
Put the left cord on top of the central cord.

Put the right one on top of the left one, which is on the central one now. Pull its end under the bottom lace (central) and bring the end into the loop, which was formed between the left and the central cord.
Tighten the side cords.
Make sure that the central knot is always straight.

Now start weaving the second knot: it will be done in a similar way but the cords have changed their place now. The cord that was on the left side is on the right side now, and vice versa.
Put the left cord under the central one.
Put the right one under the left one, and put the end of it is over the central one.
Pull the cords taut – knot number two is ready!

Shamballa bracelet diy
Shamballa bracelet diy
Shamballa bracelet diy
Handmade jewelry
Handmade jewelry
Handmade jewelry
Handmade jewelry
Shamballa bracelet diy
Shamballa bracelet diy

The number of knots can be different, depending on your preferences. Weave them until you start stringing beads.

Bracelet weaving

Let’s go through a bracelet weaving master class. The classic scheme involves one row of beads. This applies only to my shamballa bracelet diy tutorial. Later you can experiment as you wish. To do this:

Weave 4-5 knots.
Thread a bead or stone on the 6th knot on the central lace, and complete the knot, like the previous ones.

Next, weave your decorative elements on all knots – beads, stones.
Finish the decoration with knots. Their number should be the same as in the beginning.

Now make a clasp. To do this, turn the bracelet, tie the left and right laces with a regular knot. Tighten well and treat the weave with glue. Allow it to dry well.

Cut off the ends. And in order to stop them from fluffing up, burn them with a lighter. Repeat the procedure on the other side of the bracelet.

Shamballa bracelet diy
Shamballa bracelet diy
Shamballa bracelet diy
Shamballa bracelet diy
Shamballa bracelet diy
How to make a shamballa bracelet step by step.
How to make a shamballa bracelet step by step.
How to make a shamballa bracelet step by step.
How to make a shamballa bracelet step by step.
How to make a shamballa bracelet step by step.
How to make a shamballa bracelet
How to make a shamballa bracelet

Weaving the clasp.

How to make a shamballa bracelet
How to make a shamballa bracelet
How to make a shamballa bracelet
How to make a shamballa bracelet
Shamballa bracelet diy
Shamballa bracelet
Shamballa bracelet
Shamballa bracelet

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