Wire weaving patterns free

Weaves to use with 4 wire frames.

Wire weaving patterns. Weaves to use with four wire frames.

Use appropriate copper wire thickness.
I make jewelry of wire 1 mm (18 ga) wire for the frames and 0.4 mm (26 ga) thick wire for the weaving.
You can use wire with a thickness of 0.8 mm (20 ga) wire for the frames and 0.3 mm (28 ga) wire for the weaving.

Basic weaves №1

wire weaving tutorials free

Basic weaves №2

Wire weaving patterns. Weaves to use with four wire frames.
wire weaving tutorials

Basic weaves №3

wire weaving tutorials

Basic weaves №4

wire weaving tutorial

Wire weaving patterns.

Weaving techniques.

Weaves to use with 1 wire frames.

Weaves to use with 2 wire frames.

Weaves to use with 3 wire frames.

Basic weaves to use with 5 wire frames.

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